D - 6416 Poppenhausen / Wasserkuppe

Flight and Operations Manual

for the Sailplane Model

" ASW 20, Variant L "


February, 1979 Edition

This manual is always to be carried on board !

It belongs to the sailplane A S W  2 0 L

Serial No.

Registration No.

Owner :

Franciscus G. Schellenberg
David Hofstee
Manufacturer : Alexander Schleicher
D-6416 Poppenhausen

This manual is the translation of the German original which is approved by the Federal Office of Civil Aeronautics of the Federal Republic of Germany ( LBA ). The translation has been done by best knowledge and judgement.

In any case the original text in German language is authoritative.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual
Title Page Page 1
Contents Page 2+3
Amendments Page 4

1. Flight Manual
1.1. Preface Page 5
1.2. Operating Handles, Plancards and Nomenclatures Page 13-16
1.3. Operation Values and Limitations Page 17-21
1.4. Weight and Balance Information Page 21-23
1.5. Minimum Equipment Page 24
1.6. Emergency Procedures Page 25
1.7. In Flight Information Page 26-33
1.8. Empty Weight Center of Gravity Page 33+34
1.9. Center of Gravity at the Last Weighing Page 35

2. Operations Manual
2.1. Rigging Page 36-38
2.2. Checking Page 38
2.3. Derigging Page 38
2.4. Road Transport Page 38
2.5. Upkeep and Maintenance Page 39-42
2.6. Overhauls Page 42
2.7. Repairs Page 42
2.8. Notes for the Inspection Page 42-44
A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual
3. Flight Manual
3.1. Three-View-Drawing Page 45
3.2. Rigging Data Page 46
3.3. Lubrication Scheme Page 47
3.4. Empty Weight Center of Gravity Limits Page 48
3.5. Static Balance Measurements of Control Surfaces Page 49
3.6. Table of Static Balance Tolerances and Control Back Lash Page 50
3.7. Equipment List Page 51+52
3.8. Check List Page 53
3.9. Air speed Calibration Page 55
A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Amendments to the Manual




Date. Signature

TN17 Continued airworthiness; amendments to the Flight and Operations Manual 18a,44c-44r, (44a,b,l replaced by 39/2) 13.02.84
Frank Schellenberg
TN13 Installation of a tailwheel instead of the plastic foam tailskid 41 03.03.1983
Frank Schellenberg
TN30 Preventive measure against unintentional PIO (pilot induced oscillations) 14,20+21,42 01.04.87
Frank Schellenberg
TN37 Operation with winglets 25,33,36,38 31.01.97
Frank Schellenberg
TN39 A) Amendment of the Maintenance Manual
B) Inspection Programm to increase the Service Life
Replaced by 39/2
TN39/2 A) Amendment of the Maintenance Manual
B) Inspection Programm to increase the Service Life, Issue 2
44a,44b,44l,44s 17.04.98
Frank Schellenberg
A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

1.1 Preface

The ASW 20 has been licensed according to the 'Airworthiness Requirements for Sailplanes and Powered Sailplanes' ( LFSM ), issued on November 1, 1975.
Contrary to earlier requirements ( BVS and LFS ), some major modifications have to be observed.
Please notice that the minimum safety factor is 1,5. The safety factor is the proportion of ultimate load against limit load.
This points to important consequences for the flight operations :
Breaking loads will be reached either by exceeding the permissible loads by 50% or by exceeding the permissible speeds by a √1.5 = 1.22 factor, in other words by only 22%. Therefore the stated placard speeds must be observed at all times.
One major difference is that the new regulation requires a speed limit for strong air turbulence. The new LFSM requirement considers a 15 m/s ( 3.000 feet per minute ) up or down gust .
For easier understanding the following examples are given :

  1. From a 5 m/s downdraft you enter a 10 m/s upcurrent ( this is a + 15 m/s gust ), or from a 10 m/s upcurrent you step into a 5 m/s downdraft ( this is a - 15 m/s gust).
  2. From the downdraft of a rotor of - 8 m/s you get into its upcurrent of + 7 m/s ( this is a + 15 m/s gust ).
    This turbulence can be absorbed by the sailplane as long as the pilot does not charge it by additional loads due to unintended control deflections.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

The airworthiness requirement does not include gust and manoeuvre loads simultaneously.
Gliding and meteorological literature show even stronger turbulence (in cumulo-nimbus clouds e.g. ) so that max. speed for 'strong turbulence can be too high in extreme situations.
At manoeuvring speed full control deflections can be applied, but only 80% of the deflections are allowed for elevator and rudder simultaneously.

As mentioned above the requirement does not cover gusts and manoeuvre loads at the same time. Therefore aerobatic manoeuvres are not allowed in noticeable turbulence.

At redline speed the sailplane can absorb either + or - 7,5 m/s gusts ( this is the transition from 3 m/s downdraft into 4,5 m/s lift ), or one third of the possible deflections can be applied.
Again gust and manoeuvre loads cannot be absorbed simultaneously.

Airworthiness requirements are nothing more than a great amount of aviation experience gathered to the present time and are continuously developed by designers and aviation authorities in cooperation.
It is assumed that sailplanes are operated with good Judgement as in all areas of aviation.

Sailplanes are very strong compared to other aircraft.
Nevertheless they are far away from being foolproof and can be overstressed easily within the approved speedrange, specially at heigh speed end.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Some information on the tactical use of the versions of the ASW 20 L

The increased span of the ASW 20 to 16,59m results in better low speed performance. It is very likely that the minimum sink is reduced by about 4 cm/s ( 1 1/2 inch per second ) and that the glide ratio goes up by about 3 points. Because of the larger wing area minumum speed is reduced by about 2 km/h ( 1 knot).
At high speeds, however, i.e. between 160 - 180 km/h ( = 99,4 - 112 mph, 86,4 - 97,1 knots ), the performance will be the same. Only very correct performance test will verify above-mentioned figures. Yet a short look at the McCready-ring gives a good estimate as to what configuration is to be used for what type of weather.
For weak and steady thermals with great spacing the 16,59m span version is to be flown. If the thermals are regularly stronger than 1 m/s ( = 200 ft/min, or 2 knots), the 15m span versionshould already be allowed for, especially if the higher maneuverability pays in turbulent thermals.
Only for very good weather conditions with an average rate climb of 2 m/s ( = 400 ft/min, or 4 knots ) and a minimum of 1.5 m/s ( = 300 ft/min, or 3 knots ) the 15m span version should be loaded with water ballast.
It is not allowed to load the 16,59m span version with watter as this would require a reinforcement of the wingspar. the loss in performance at high speeds results from wing twist and cannot be overcome by waterballast but only by a more rigid torsion box of the wing. Both reqirements, i.e. stronger main spar and stiffer torsion box, would result in higher structural weight so that a great part of the improved low speed performance would be sacrificed. Yet just better low speed performancewas the intention of the increase in span.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

A short chapter of aerodynamics for pilots of flapped sailplanes.

The introduction of so-called 'laminar' airfoils in the sailplane design - specially together with fibreglass structure - has resulted in great improvements of sailplanes during the last 20 years. For sailplanes with rigid profiles - that means without flaps - the profiles used provide moderate laminar effects for the whole angle of attack range, - from thermalling up to highspeed cruise at 150 to 180 km/h.
In order to reduce drag laminar airfoils have been developed for modern sailplanes, they extend the laminar boundary to a greater part of the wing surface. The disadvantage of this method in that the lower drag can only be achieved for a smaller range of angle of attack. By the flap movement, however, this range of low drag can be shifted up to the point where it in needed at the momentary flight condition.
Please notice that the angle of attack against the airflow is the determinative figure for the flap position and not the flying speed.
In order to calculate the speed to fly for a given angle of attack, the altitude, the load factor ( g- load ), and the wing loading of the sailplane must be known in addition.
The effect of the altitude may be neglected, since the airspeed indicator always shows an airspeed reduced to m.s.l. .

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Every pilot knows from his instruction time that the minimum speed goes up in steep turns or when loading the aircraft with ballast ( fuel, flight instructor ). In conformity to the same law as the minimum speed the speed ranges of the single flap settings do also shift by changement of the wing loading and/or the load factor.
The following table will show to you the coherencies. The data stated are based on performance measurements.
For the 16,59 m span version the upper part of the table for 33 kg/m2 or 6.75 lb.p.sq.ft. wingloading are valid.

Min. Speed
Flap Pos. 5
Low Drag Speed Range [knots]
Flap Pos. 4 Flap Pos. 3 Flap Pos. 2 Flap Pos. 1
0,5 26 27 - 30 30 - 41 41 - 50 above 50
1 36,5 38 - 42,5 42,5 - 58,5 58,5 - 71 above 71
1.3 41,5 43 - 48,5 48,5 - 66,5 66,5 - 81 above 81
2 51 53,5 - 68,5 68,5 - 82,5 82,5 - 101 above 101
0,5 29 31 - 34,5 34,5 - 47 47 - 57 above 57
1 41,5 43 - 48,5 48,5 - 66,5 66,5 - 81,5 above 81,5
1.3 47,5 49 - 55,5 55,5 - 75,5 75,5 - 92,5 above 92,5
2 59 61 - 78 78 - 94,5 94,5 - 115 above 115

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Min. Speed
Flap Pos. 5
Low Drag Speed Range [km/h]
Flap Pos. 4 Flap Pos. 3 Flap Pos. 2 Flap Pos. 1
0,5 48 50 - 56 56 - 76 76 - 93 above 93
1 67,5 70 - 79 79 - 108 108 - 132 above 132
1.3 77 80 - 90 90 - 123 123 - 150 above 150
2 95 99 - 127 127 - 153 153 - 187 above 187
0,5 54 57 - 64 64 - 87 87 - 106 above 106
1 77 80 - 90 90 - 123 123 - 151 above 151
1.3 88 91 - 103 103 - 140 140 - 171 above 171
2 109 113 - 145 145 - 175 175 - 213 above 213

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Now these above-mentioned coherencies should not confound the ASW 20-pilot nor make him give up because it is too complicated. There is a very simple method of estimating the correct flight attitude.

The flap has been designed such that the change in angle of attack produced by flap deflection just compensates for the difference in angle of attack which results from the new flight attitude. This means that the fuselage and tailplane always remain almost parallel to the airflow.

Since the glide angle is very flat for the whole speed range of the ASW 20, the relation of the ship to the horizon remains the same for load factor 1 ( 1g ) provided that the flaps are used properly, A simple pitch indicator will move only in a small range, even in turns and other accelerated manoeuvres, and, therefore, is a good control instrument for the low drag angle of attack. ( This is, however, not true for flap Position 5 or for extended air brakes because in this case you are intentionally leaving the aerodynamically optimum ranges in order to produce more drag ).

The table also shows the control actions for some flight manoeuvres.

Principally, a flapped glider has two pitch controls : flaps and elevator. However, only one combination of both control settings results in optimum performance for a given flight attitude.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Case 1

Acceleration from thermalling to fast cruise :
According to the law that energy remains constant we can only pick up speed ( kinetic energy ) by giving away altitude ( potential or static energy) with regard to the air around us. This is only possible by reducing our g-load ( or load factor , below 1.

For thermalling our speed was 85 km/h and n = 1.3 (because of 40° bank ) in flap position 4. Now we want to accelerate downwards ( n = 0.5 ) and, pursuant to our table, therefore simultaneously must reduce bank and put the lever at least into No. 3 position, but as soon as our speed exceeds 92 km/h we must even put the flap lever into position No.2. If we now do not do anything else, the static stability of the sailplane will balance out at approximately 120 to 130 km/h and load factor 1. If we want to fly faster, we have to set flap position No.1.

The stick shows only little movement during the whole manoeuvre which manifest itself also by the fact that the trim hardly needs to be adjusted. With a conventional rigid profile wing the whole trim range would be needed for such a manoeuver.

Case 2

Pull-up into a thermal from very high speed ( wing loading 3 kp/m2 ) :

From fast cruise of 200 km/h ( 1g ) a pull-up into a thermal shall be done. This is impossible without increasing the load factor. Since turbulence is to be expected, a mild 1.3 g – pull-up should be initiated.

Looking at our table we find that flap position 1 still should be set for load factor 1.3 and 200 km/h.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

The pull-up is initiated by slightly pulling the stick. At about 150 km/h flap position 2 is set. The sailplane meanwhile climbs so rapidly that no further pulling is necessary and a straight climb at load factor 1 is following. Flap position 2 can be maintained down to 108 km/h, then flap position 3 is set.

To finish the climb, we are shortly setting flap position 2 which is reducing the load factor to about 0.5, then bank is applied and simultaneously the flap lever is shifted to position 4. The stick position is again the same during the whole manoeuvre and the trim needs only slight adjustment.

In a flapped sailplane the flap handle is the more active pitch control whereas the stick is more or less a correcting control.

The flap handle directly controls the wing lift and is, therefore, much more sensitive than a conventional elevator which through rotation of the aircraft changes the angle of attack, and thus relatively slowly changes the lift.

At high speed flight of above approximately 140 km/h the pitch is merely controlled by elevator movement, since flap position 1 covers more than the angle of attack range which is necessary.

For low altitude flights ( approach, slope soaring, finish gate low passes ) and when thermalling together with other sailplanes you absolutely have to leave off the operation of the flap handle because of the sudden altitude changes which are hardly to calculate.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

1.2. Operating Handles, Placards and Nomenclatures

Stick with wheel-brake lever and transmitter button ( optional ).

Rudder pedal with longitudinal adjustment.

Rudder pedal adjustment : grey knob RH of control stick

To move pedals back :
Take load off pedals and pull back. Release control knob suddenly and put slight pressure on pedals to adjust them.
To move pedals forward :
Pull knob and simultaneously push pedals forward. Release control knob suddenly and lock in place by putting slight pressure on pedals.

Flap control : Black lever on upper LH cockpit wall.

Marking of the essential flap positions by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 below the flap lever.

Flap lever in high position

Flap lever in landing position

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Air brakes (spoilers):
Blue lever on LH cockpit wall. Extending of air brakes by pulling lever backwards.

Trim noseheavy:
press together the green trim knob (left cockpit wall) and push forwards.

Trim tailheavy:
press together the green trim knob and push backwards.

Landing gear retracted:
Black handle on lower LH cockpit wall pulled back.

Landing gear extended

Tow release:
Yellow knob LH of stick

Open canopy:
Move white knobs LH and RH on upper side of canopy frame forward.

To jettison canopy:
Pull red handle above instrument panel; the normal canopy locking must be opened before !!!

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Ventilation :
Light blue knob above LH area of instrument panel. Knob pulled = Open

Additional ventilation :Intake in sliding window

Water ballast :
Dark blue lever LH and RE on upper cockpit wall. To open valve move lever forward.
Note : LH lever for left wing tank, RH lever for right wing tank.

Anchoring point for parachute static line :

Red ring on main bulkhead

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Serial number and Type Plate:

A. Schleicher
6416 Poppenhausen

Munster: AS - W 20 L
Werk Nr: 20 XXX
Made in West Germany

loading of baggage compartment

Loading of baggage max.
compartment 15 kg [33 lb]

Data Placard and loading scheme:
Please see annex to this manual, page 48.

Color markings on the airspeed indicator and the data on the Data Plancard indicate the operation limits for the 16,59m span version. The Limitations for the 15m span version are to be fond only in the FLIGHT MANUAL.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

1.3. Operation Values and Limitations

If a sailplane can be operated in two variants, the lower limit variant is to be indicated on plancards and A.S.I. color markings according to the airworthiness requirements.
Therfor, for the ASW 20 L the operational limitations of the 16,59m span version are only to be found in this manual.
Maximum indicated airspeeds
( equivalent airspeeds are about 5% higher, see page 55 )

Span : 16,59 m 15 m
km/h knots km/h knots
For flap position 1 (below 3000m m.s.l./
9000 ft m.s.l.)*
250 135 265 143
For flap position 2 and 3 200 108 200 108
For flap Position 4 160 86 160 86
For flap position 5 ( landing positions ) 120 65 120 94
With full control deflections (manouver speed) 160 86 175 94
In rough air ** 165 89 180 97
For winch and auto tow 120 65 120 65
For aerotow 160 86 175 94
For extending landing gear 160 86 175 94

The colored calibration markings on the A.S.I. are valid for the 16,59m span version.

Red line at 250 km/h ( 135 knots )
Green range 90 - 165 km/h ( 48,5 - 89 knots )
Yellow range 165 - 250 km/h ( 89 - 135 knots )
White range 85 - 200 km/h ( 46 - 108 knots )
White marking 'WK 5' at 120 km/h ( 65 knots )
"      " 'WK 4' at 160 km/h ( 86 knots)
"      " 'WK 2 + 3' at 200 km/h ( 108 knots)

*, ** See next page

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

The yellow ▷ at 90 km/h shows the recommended approach speed for landing.

Please not : The inflight flutter tests were done at about 2000m m.s.l. Since the airspeed indicator reeds too low values at increasing altitude, - the critical flutter speed, however, being more or less determined by true airspeed for light aircraft -, the following speed limits are valid for high altitude flights :

Altitude Max. speed (indicated)
*meter m.s.l feet m.s.l km/h knots
0-3000   0-10.000   250 135
5000 16.400 225 120
7000 23.000 200 110
9000 29.500 180 95
11000 36.000 155 85
13000 42.600 135 75

If the above limited values are not exceeded, the true airspeed will be constantly 315 km/h above 3000 m / 10000 feet m.s.l. and thus is high enough to face the strongest wind in wave flight.

** Please note : Rough air, - according to airworthiness requirements -, is turbulence found in wave rotors, thunderstorm clouds, dust devils and when skimming mountain crests.
According to the statement in the preface this turbulace is effective for Vario readings of (± 7 m/s = ± 1500 ft.p.min = ± 14 knots ( short period peaks ).
An experienced pilot will know that he must be aware of even stronger turbulence in thunderstorms or in alpine regions.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Preventive ations against flutter caused by special conditions of operation

In very hot weather conditions (temperatures above 35°C; = 90°F) in USA, Australia, South Africa and Brazil, low frequency flutter has been observed on some individual ASW 20 (frequency of about 5 Hz = % sycles per second), with strong sideways oscillations of the control stick.
Beside the high temperature of 35 °C, other conditions - as mentiond hereafter - must be met:

  • low flying altitude
  • water ballast of 80 - 120 kg (175 - 265 lbs)
  • flap postition 1
  • flying speed of about 230 km/h (125 kts).
As until today no satisfactory explanaition of the phenomenon clould be given, neither by test nor by flutter calculation, we have tested the installation of a flutter damper. Fitting and removing the damper is relatively easy (see page 44m).

For gliders registered in Germany a general installation of the damper into all ASW 20 seems not to make sense, as the above operational conditions are not given.

If flights in hot countries are planned, the installation of the damper is strongly recommended.

The damper could be tested in outside air temperatures of up to -35 °C (-31 °F) without the roll control being inacceptably restricted. In flight at great altitudes and/or in very cold weather are planned the damper must ne removed.

During the flight tests with the damper it was found that after short familiarization the damper wan no more felt as discomfort. On the other hand the directional stability of the ASW 20 in turbulant air is considerably increased, as short and sharp gusts do not lead to uncontrolled aileron deflections due to the damper.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Weights ( masses )

Span : 16,59 m 15 m
kg lbs kg lbs
Empty weight with min. equipment 260 575 255 1560
Max. all up weight 380 838 454 1000
Max. weight of non lift producing components 235 518 235 518
Permissible watter ballast not per- missible max.
(dependin on cockpit load, see table on page 22 ) 120 265

The use of water ballast is not permitted for the 16,59m span version.

Weak link in towing line

for auto/winch and aerotow        600 kg ( 1320 lbs )

In Flight Centre of Gravity

Datum point is the leading edge of the wing root rib
( without the fillet of the wing - fuselage fairing ).
The horizontal reference line is the centre line of the fuselage tail cone or a 1000 : 45 wedge template levelled out on the top side of the fuselage aft portion ( see the page 'rigging Datar in the annex ).
In flight centre of gravity range is from 240 mm ( 9.45 inch ) to 360 mm ( 14,17 inch ) behind datum.
This is te range for both span versions.

Cloud flying

The sailplane is suited for cloud flying.
Flights under icing conditions are not recommended, specially if the glider has been wet before climbing through the icing level. Experiences have shown that in the area of the rather narrow control gaps, any rain or condensation drops dry off relatively slowly and turn to ice when climbing above the freezing level.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Therefore, one has to face a stiffening of the controls, leading to blocked controls in extreme cases.
Isolated climbs above the freezing level with a dry sailplane did not lead to any stiffening of the controls, even though the leading edges of wings and control surfaces showed severe icing.
With water ballast flights above freezing level should be avoided because of the risk of icing-up of the tank ventilation.

Seating position:

  1. Do not use soft seat of back cushions with are thicker then 2 cm.
  2. The backrest must be adjusted such that the pilot is seated with his head just below the canopy and as forward as posible. When the stick ist in normal position (trim 10mm off the front edge of the slotted gate), the upper arm should rest against the body while the elbow rests on the upper tight. Such a comfortable seating position is preventive against PIO (pilot induced oscillations).

The 16,59 m span version of the ASW 20 L. is not approved for aerobatics. For aerobatic manoeuvres with the 15 m span version see page 32.

Extreme Pilot Sizes
Tall pilots may fly without the adjustable seat rest, however, they have to use a stiff cushion that levels the edge of the tow hook fairing and the box of the wheel.
Prior to the first start the sailplane must be put. on stands and - with a pilot sitting in the cockpit - it has to be checked that the parachute does not press so hard against the cockpit rear wall that the landing gear can only be pulled up by severe forces. If this is the case, the rear wall must be reinforced by a piece of wood from the outside.
Tall pilots should also use gym shoes with heels as low as possible so that they can use the most forward pedal position. Small pilots should check prior to start if they can apply full rudder deflections and if they cannot fall off the pedals with their feet.
If necessary, a board with a support for the heels can be installed on the pedals.

Do not use soft (lead or sand) seat cushions. We recommend to use only trim weights in the fuselage nose and seat cushions made from a foam which cannot be compressed (Styrofoam, Conticeil or safety foam like Dunlopillo etc.).

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual
Limit Load Factors Span 16,59m 15,00m
Max. positive load factor + 5.3 } 165km/h 175km/h
Max. negative load factor - 2.65 89kn. 94kn.
Reducing proportionally with
airspeed to
Max. positive load factor + 4.0 } 250km/h 265km/h
Max. negative load factor - 1.5 135kn. 143kn.

1.4 Weight and Balance Informatio

Payload in cockpit ( pilot plus parachute ) :

    minimum 70 kg ( 154 lbs )
    maximum 115 kg ( 253 lbs )
For possible exceptions see page 35 !

If the useful load is below the minimum, the shortfall below the minimum paload must be made good by the addition of trim weights in the fuselage nose (this is available as an optional extra, see page 22).

We recommend that unexperienced pilots and/or pilots who fly this model for the first time, do not make their first flights with the rearmost C.G. position, i.e. they should not go for a just still acceptable minimum payload, but should stay approx 10 - 15 kg above the minimum useful load in the pilot seat.
Light pilots should fix about 4 trim discs more than the actually required minimum.

Loading of Water Ballast
(only for 15 m span version)

The maximum all up flying weight of 454 kg ( 1000 lbs. ) must not be exceeded. For the determination of the proper amount of water ballast the following table may be used :

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual
    Payload [kp] for Pilot + Parachute

  65 75 85 95 105 115
240 full full full full 109kg 99kg
250 full full full 109kg 99kg 89kg
260 full full 109kg 99kg 89kg 79kg
270 full 109kg 99kg 89kg 79kg +
280 109kg 99kg 89kg 79kg + +

Empty Weight [kp]
see page 35

     Payload [lb] for Pilot + Parachute

  150 175 200 225 250
525 full full full 30 27
550 full full 30 27 24
575 full 30 27 24 +
600 30 27 24 + +
625 27 24 + + +
Water Ballast in US Gallons (Lowertable)

Empty Weight [lb]
see page 35

    + These weight combinations exeed max. permissible weight of non lift producing components.

As an option the ASW 20 can be equipped with a pin in front of the rudder pedals which allows the installation of interchangeable trim weights.
These trim weights are recommended if the sailplane is flown by several pilots of more than 20 kg ( 45 lbs. ) difference in weight.
By the installation of a permanent lead trim weigh in the tail above the tail skid the glider is trimmed in such a way that the heaviest pilot gets an in flight C, of G. of about 0,3 m behind datum. This is causing, of course, an increase of the minimum permissible cockpit payload so that a light-weight pilot cannot fly the sailplane without additional ballast.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

In order to avoid the taking along of heavy and unwieldy lead cushions a light-weight pilot shall install trim-discs at the bolt in front of the pedals.
The lead discs weigh 1 kg ( 2.2 lbs. ) each.
Since the weights are installed so far forward in the sailplane, they have 2.5 times the effectivity of the same mass in the seat.
If 1 kg is installed in front of the pedals, the minimum cockpit payload is by 2.5 kg ( 5.51 lbs.) lower; if 2 kg ( 4.4 lbs.) are installed, the payload is by 5 kg ( 11.02 lbs.) lower, and so on.

Remark ( Important ! ) :

  1. Only 7 weights, i.e. 7 kg, are allowed to be installed at the fittings.
  2. The nut must be properly fixed and checked for every take - off. It must be safetied with a safety pin.
  3. If the minimum cockpit payload trimmed by the ballast weights is exceeded by more than 30kg ( 66 lbs.), i.e. if a heavier pilot wants to fly again, the trim weights have to be removed.
The inner cockpit wall at the right hand side must show the following placard :

Minimum Cockpit Load without Trim Weight kg (lb.)

1 Trim Disc is equivalent to 2,5 kp (5lb) Cockpit Load

Check Weight and proper
fixing to Trim Discs
prior to Start.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

1.5. Minimum Equipment

Airspeed indicator with 50 to 300 km/h range
( 25 to 160 knots, 30 to 190 mph ),

Lap and shoulder straps,
Parachute or back-cushion at least 6 cm thick ( 2.5 inches ) when compressed,

Additional minimum equipment for cloud flying :
Turn and bank indicator,
Transceiver ( Federal Republic of Germany only ).
Experience to date has shown the pitot pressure system* for the airspeed indicator satisfactory for cloud flying.
If the compass cannot properly be compensated on the instrument panel, it should be mounted either above the control stick or on the right cockpit wall in the area above the map pocket.

Instruments which weigh more than 1.000 grams ( 2.2 lbs.) should not be mounted solely with the 4 instrument screws, but should be braced against one or possibly several of the rubber buffers.

It is strongly advised to use only instrument panels made from fibreglass. Panels made from other materials might, in the case of crash landings, lead to serious injuries.

An equipment list of approved or suitable instruments for the minimum equipment can be found in the annex of this manual on pages 51 and 52.

* to be suited

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

1.6. Emergency Procedures

Recovery from spins according to ( German ) standard procedure

  1. Apply opposite rudder, i.e. against the direction of rotation of the spin.
  2. Short pause.
  3. Ease the control column forward, until the rotation ceases and sound airflow is established again.
  4. Centralise rudder and allow sailplane to dive out.
  1. Recovery from spin can be easier achieved, if the flaps are set in negative position (handle forward). Extending the airbrakes ( spoilers ) slows down rotation speed, but needs more height for recovery and, therefore, is less recommended.
  2. If the ASW 20 L recovers itself from spin, it starts a spiral-like sideslip with high increase in speed. Recovery from this flight attitude is done by usual control movements ( opposite rudder and reducing bank by use of ailerons; approx. half travel of controls is needed ).
Emergency Bailout
  1. Open (white ) canopy locks.
  2. Pull red canopy emergency release knob and push canopy upwards.
  3. Open safety harnesses.
  4. Try to push yourself away from the sailplane. Watch the tailplane !
Jammed Elevator Control Circuit

A jammed flap control system will convert the ASW20L into a 'rigid profile' sailplane. However, not every pilot will remember that he still has pitch control by use of flaps even though the elevator control circuit is jammed. Thus he probably still can improve his situation for an emergency bailout or even avoid bailout entirely.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

1.7. In Flight Information
Instructions for rigging and derigging are given on pages 36 to 38.
After rigging it is advisable to check all controls, dive brakes, wheel brake, and tire pressure.
Even when the sailplanes is hangared it must be preflighted by checking all controls. According to experience hangared sailplanes are subject to hangar switching damages and are endangered by small animals.

Winch Launch
Maximum winch launch speed is 120 km/h ( 65 knots 75 mph ). Recommended flap setting is No.3 ( 0° ). When the trim lever is in the centre or in slight back position, the sailplane lifts off by itself and takes to a moderate climb. When safety height is reached, slight back pressure can be applied.
The landing gear can only be retracted after the tow.Winch tows with water ballast are only recommended with more than 10 knots headwind.
There is a strict warning :
No tailwind tows on low powered winches !

Put trim lever full forward.
Maximum aerotow speed is 175 km/h (94 knots, 109 mph). Tested lengths for manila or nylon tow-ropes are within the 25 - 60 m ( 80 to 200 feet ) range. For tows behind 180 hp or even stronger tow planes the tow-rope should be at least 40 m (130 feet) long.
For take-off roll flap position No. 2 ( -6° ) is recommended. After about 50 km/h ( 25 knots ) have been gained, flap position No.3 ( O° ) or even No 4 ( +9° ) is applied for earlier lift-off.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Pilots with little experience on flapped sailplanes should use flap position No.3 for the whole tow.
The pilot should try to keep the tailskid on the ground until take-off. This means several advantages. Lift-off will be at the earliest possible time. The landing gear gets lower loads. The direction stability during ground roll is considerably improved. During flight tests aerotows with stronger than 25 knots crosswinds were demonstrated.
After take-off an altitude of about 5 feet should be maintained in order to avoid pitch oscillation because of ground effect and turbulence behind the towplane. Retracting of the landing gear is only allowed after release, since the landing gear doors cover the towing hook.

Free Flight
Because of the possibility of loading the ship with water ballast, the all up weight varies in a wide range.
The following speeds are given for an all up weight of 350 kg ( 772 lbs ) and are valid for both span versions.
The speeds for maximum all up weight of 454 kg ( 1000 lbs ) which is approved only for the 15 m span version are given in brackets.
Minimum speed in level zero bank flight is :

For flap position 4 70 km/h or 38 knots
( 80 km/h or 43 knots )
For flap position 3 72 km/h or 39 knots
( 82 km/h or 44 knots )
For flap position 2 73 km/h or 39,5 knots
( 83 km/h or 45 knots )
For flap position 1 76 km/h or 41 knots
( 87 km/h or 47 knots )
A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

For flap position 5 ( flaps 55° down, ailerons -8° up ) minimum speed in level flight is :
66 km/h or 35,5 knots
( 75 km/h or 40,5 knots )
Extending of the airbrakes ( spoilers ) increases minimum speeds by approx. 7 km/h or 4 knots.

In bankings the minimum speeds age increased. An increase of 10% is valid for 30° bank, 20% are valid for 45° bank.

About the proper use of flap settings this manual has already informed you at length in the preface page 8 and 9.

Maximum approved wing loading is not always the most favourable, the type of flight rather has to be considered.

For long distance flights ballast is not necessary, since the optimisation of weak morning and evening thermals matters and not a slightly increased cruising speed.

For speed tasks the following wing loadings are proposed :
0 to 1 m/s ( 200 feet per min.), flying weight should be al low as possible ( wing loading below 33 kg/m2 or 6,75 lbs. per sq.ft. ). Use the 16,59 m span!
1,5 m/s ( 300 feet per min.), flying weight about 360 kg or 800 lbs. ( wing loading 35 kg/m2 or 7.2 lbs. per sq.ft. )
If the rate of climb is higher than 2 m/s ( 400 feet per min.), the ASW 20 L should fly with max. all up weight of 454 kg ( 1000 lbs.), which is only approved for the 15 m span version.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Dangerous Flight Attitudes

The ASW 20 L has an extremely harmless stalling flight which is indicated by large stick movements without noticeable speed change. The aileron effectivity, too, is noticeably weaker when stalling speed is reached. In all configurations approach to stall speed can be noticed by alight tail buffeting.
Even in stalled flight attitude ( the vario will read 1,5 to 2 m/s sink in calm air, that is 300 to 400 feet per min. ) ailerons and rudder work in the usual manner, as long as only half control deflections are applied. Full control deflections result in light wing dropping, whereas full deflected controls in opposite directions with stick pulled completely back will cause rapid wing dropping.
Initiated from turning flight wing dropping is more rapid than from level flight.
The loss in altitude for wing dropping is about 20 m ( 60 feet ). For flap position 5 ( landing position ) loss in altitude can be 50 m until recovery, since the airflow may separate from the horizontal tail surface, if the elevator remains in full up deflected position. For recovery move stick in less pulled back position, until elevator effectivity is regained.
Only at rear C. of G, positions ( near minimum cockpit load ) the ASW 20 will not maintain a stationary stall with the stick hard back, but starts 'porpoising'.
Full deflections of rudder and aileron will cause wing dropping, opposite rudder and aileron deflections will lead to a spin. Wing dropping as well as spinning are terminated with the ( German ) standard procedure ( opposite rudder and elevator neutral, see page 25 ).
If no corrective measures are taken, the sailplane will terminate the sideskid or spin by itself and will pass into a spiral-like side slip. This

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

side slip can also be terminated with opposite rudder, before the ship eventually changes to a spiraldive with the typical build-up of high speeds.
At forward C. of G, positions the ASW 20 L spins very steeply and starts spiraldive after less than one turn, whereas at rear C. of G. positions the gliders pitch becomes steeper and steeper after an initial flat and slow turn ( approx. 30 negative pitch ) until the transition into spiral dive develops after 5 to 7 turns.
Rain drops, hoarfrost, and icing deteriorate the aerodynamic flow and will cause a change in flight characteristics. Therefore, a safety margin of 10 km/h, 5 knots or 7 mph should be added to the above speeds for level flight and circling. These speeds must be regarded as minimum speeds.
Again we point out that the ASW 20 L spins easier and flatter with positive ( down ) flap settings ( 4 + 5 ) than with negative ( up ) flap settings ( 2 + 1 ).
Therefore, setting the flaps in negative position is a measure to prevent wing dropping and spins. Because of the involved altitude losses ( about 15 m or 50 feet ) this is impossible near the ground or when thermalling in gaggles. Here only a safety margin in extra speed compared to minimum speed is good airmanship.

Lower tae landing gear in time, at the latest in 100 m ( 300 feet ) altitude, and put the flap lever in position No.4.
The approach normally should be made at about 90 km/h or 48,5 knots ( yellow ▷ at airspeed indicator ), this speed should be trimmed. For turbulent air a correspondingly faster speed must be flown. Only if the pilot is very sure that he can make the threshold of his airstrip, the flap lever is moved to position No.5 ( flaps 55 down ).
The umarked flap setting between 4 and 5 is a bit less effective as a landing flap. The limitations for this flap setting are the same as for position 5.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Because of the enormous aerodynamic twist of this flap configuration ( flap down, ailerons up ) the performance of the sailplane is bad in this flap setting. By extending of the airbrakes ( spoilers ) the performance can be further reduced ( glide ratio 4 in 1 at 85 km/h or 46 knots ) so that very steep approaches are possible with headwind.

For strong headwinds flap setting No.5 is not recommended because of the danger of landing short off the field.
Those pilots having no experience with flaps for landings should only use flap setting 4 for headwind landings !

Setting the flaps from position No.5 back to position No.4 is not recommended near the ground because of the danger of loss in altitude. This manoeuvre should only be done after plenty of training at a safe altitude and in a very careful manner.
In flap position No.4 sideslipping is very effective with the ASW 20. At low bank and high yaw angles the loss in performance is great.
In flap position No.5 such great yaw angles are impossible.
Because of the good landing qualities which can be achieved by flap setting 5 in combination with the variable effectivity of the spoilers sideslipping is restricted to extreme situations (approaches in rain, snow-showers or into the sun ), since then the landing field can be observed more easily through the slide window.
Therefore, landing with sideslip should be practised occasionally under good conditions.

Water ballast must be dumped before landing !

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Semi Aerobatics (approved only for the 15m span version)
Besides spinning (only with normal to rear C. of G, limits more than one turn is possible) the following aerobatics are approved:
Loops, Stall Turns, Lazy Eight, and Chandelle, as well as combinations of these manoeuvres. Negative load factors are not certified. The flap control is actuated according to the remarks in the preface ( see page 8 ). The speed limits for the different flap settings must be carefully observed.

A starting speed in the lowest point of about 160 to 180 km/h, 85 to 95 knots, or 100 to 112 mph is recommended. Flap setting No.1.

Stall Turn
A stall turn is started with 190 to 210 km/h, 102 to 113 knots, or 118 to 130 mph. At about 100 km/h 54 knots, or 62 mph the turn is started by full application of the rudder and, if need be, supported by some opposite aileron deflection. Flap setting No.1.

Lazy Eight
This manoeuvre can be done up to 180 km/h, 100 kts or 112 mph in the crossing point. It is an excellent practice for control and airspace co-ordination which every pilot should exercise with flap setting No.2.

This manoeuvre is started like a stall turn, however, the transition to level flight must already be initiated at 110 km/h, 60 knots, or 70 mph, by applying full rudder and full contrary aileron deflections. The stick, too, must be remarkably pushed. Flap setting No.1.

! Aerobatics are not approved with water ballast on board.

Aerobatics are not approved for the 16,59 m span version!

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

A warning seems to be necessary for aerobatics : Experiences with the ASW 15 and ASW 17 as well as the flight tests show that high g-loads can be much better absorbed by the pilot in the reclined position with legs higher up than in the older gliders or even in motor aircraft. The temporary installation of a g-meter is recommended in order to get a feeling for the load factors.
The rubber suspended instrument panel amplifies ground roll shocks by a factor of 1.5 whereas the low frequency g-loads in flight are read in correct manner.

1.8. Empty Weight Centre of Gravity Limits
Weiging is done in the 15m span version. If the empty weight C. of G. in this version is within approved limits ( see page 48 ), the 16,59m span version is automatically within limits*.
After repairs, installations of additional equipment, repainting of the sailplane etc. special attention is to be given to the empty weight centre of gravity which must remain within the permissible limits.
Datum point and reference line are the same as stated in paragraph 1.3.
A diagram of the empty weight centre of gravity location range is given on page 48. If these limits are maintained, it is assured that also the in-flight C. of G. is within the permissible limits provided the load limitations have been properly observed.
The in-flight C. of G. has a great effect on the flight characteristics, it is, therefore, absolutely necessary to observe the prescribed limits.

A C. of G. location aft of the rear limit is dangerous because this adversely affects the stall and spin characteristics. Moreover the elevator becomes hypersensitive.
Excessive forward C. of G. location leads to a loss in the flight performance and prevents from flying in the maximum lift range which is very important in tight circling.

* TN37: As the configuration with standard wing tips is the lightest one, the "Weight and Balance" procedure has to be done in that configuration.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Permanent Trimweight Installed Above Tailskid

After repairs on the front fuselage, if a heavy instrumentation is installed, or if the sailplane is very often flown by heavy pilots, it is useful to install a lead trimweight in the tail.

The weight of this lead ballast is determined by a weight and balance procedure. The basal surface of the cast lead should be 3,3 cm by 20 cm ( 1.3 inch by 7.9 inch ) in order to get it through the opening of the fin spar. The lead is fixed to the fuselage by 2 bolts of 8 mm diameter. For its installation the rubber tailskid has to be removed.

Analogously to the resulting more tailheavy C, of G. position the minimum cockpit load is increased. The new cockpit load is determined according to page 48 and to be registered on page 35.

Arms for C. of G, calculations :

Lightweight pilot ( 65 kg or 143 lbs )
  XS = 625 mm } forward of datum
  XS = -24,6 inch
Heavy pilot ( 115 kg or 253.5 lbs )
  XS = 550 mm } forward of datum
  XS = -21,65 inch
Instruments in the instrument panel
  XS = 1250 mm } forward of datum
  XS = -49,2 inch
Oxygen bottle ( 4 liter )
  XS = 80 mm } forward of datum
  XS = +3,15 inch
A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual
1.9 Center of Gravity at the last weighing
Date of Weight
and Balance
Empty Weight
Center of Gravity
Payload in Cockpit
incl. parachute
Signature of
minimum maximum
A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

2.1. Rigging
All pins and fittings including the ball pip fittings are to be cleaned and lubricated.
Put the flap lever in position 2 as to avoid that the pushrods running from the wing into the fuselage interfere with the mixer and thereby become bent.
Insert right wing ( 2 prong-spar end )from the side into the fuselage tunnel, then left wing from the opposite aide. Align the main fittings, push in the main pins and safety. Now the wing tips can be released.
Connect ailerons and dive brakes and double-check the connection by trying to pull the push-pull rods away from the ball fittings.
The horizontal tail, first, is only inserted into the vertical tunnel of the fin. Then the ball fitting at the elevator is connected. And now the horizontal tail is pushed back until the Allan bolt at the nose can be screwed in.

The taping of the wing-fuselage junction with a plastic tape makes a lot of performance with but small expenditure ( 1-2 points on the L/D ).
The inspection hole of the fuselage above the wings must also be taped so that its cover plate is not sucked off at high air pressure loads.
Do not tape the canopy gap, otherwise any emergency exit is jeopardised.
It is recommended to wax the taping area prior to taping so that the tape can be removed later on without pulling the lacquer finish off.

Usually the wings will be connected to the fusealage in the 15m span version as the trailer is not long enough to carry the long wings. It is, however, allowed to rig the wings in the long span version.

For both versions it is necessary to safety the wingtips or the elongation by the vertical steel pin of 6mm ⌀.
TN37: After the winglet is attached it must be secured by the vertical pin, 6mm in diameter. The steel pin itself is secured from falling out by a split pin. The gap between wing and winglet is covered by plastic self adhesive tape.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

The steel pin itself is safetied by a split pin on the lower side of the wing against being ejected. Because of performance gain reasons the gap between wing and wing tip is taped like the wingroot. The Aileron connection of the 16,59m spam version is not taped.

Loading of the water ballast
Water ballast must only be filled into the rigged glider and is only approved for the 15m span version. On page 22 of this manual the max. permissible amount of water in determined.

Take care that both wings get the same amount of water. This may easily be verified by levelling the loaded glider. If the loading of water is not symmetrical, one connects both exit pipes by means of a short tube and opens both valves. With level wings the ballast will become nearly symmetric. After the balancing the valves are re-closed and the connecting tube is removed.

Filling is done through the exit pipe near the landing doors by using a big funnel. The filling with pressure water is strongly prohibited, because the ventilation pipe is too narrow and the water pressure becomes too strong when the reservoir is full and will blow up the wing.

Each wing tank takes about 60 litres ( 15.8 USGal. ). However, this maximum cannot be carried, since every lateral acceleration will press some water through the ventilation.

Therefore, you either fill the tanks full up and drop one gallon ( open the valve approx. 10 sec. ) or fill each side from the first with only 15 gallons.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

In flight the full ballast can be dropped in less than 2 minutes; this is equivalent to 1/4 USGal. per second.

Remark :
With full tanks the wing cannot be laid down with the wing tip on the ground because then the higher wing is emptying through the ventilation pipe.

2.2. Checking
After rigging respectively prior to the first flight every day : Make sure that all assembly connections have been properly mounted and are safetied.
Check for foreign matters in the cockpit, check the controls for ease of operation.
It is advisable to inspect the entire aircraft from time to time. Many a bolt without safety and many a damaged area has been noticed this way. Especially with a newly developed aircraft such inspections are very important despite of the fact that the aircraft has been designed and built with care.
TN37: Are the winglets undamaged and secured?

2.3. Derigging
First of all drop water ballast completely, disconnect the exit pipes. Derigging is done in inverted sequence like the rigging.
TN37: Prior to derigging the wings from the fuselage the winglets have to be detached from the wing and the standard wing tips must be attached. For prolonged parking periods, even inside hangars, as well as for road transport the winglets must be detached as they are easily damaged during ground handling.

2.4. Road Transport
The Schleicher Company can supply drawings for a light weight trailer. It is important that the wings are sitting in well fitted saddles or are supported at the spar roots as near as possible to the wing root rib.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Good attachment points for the fuselage are : tail skid, wheel, wing attachment pins, and the instrument panel bulkhead.

If transported on an open trailer, the ASW 20 can be made water-proof to a certain extent by taping up aileron gaps, dive brakes, canopy, pitot head and static vents. For some variometers a taping up is not allowed ( e.g. Pirol, Bohli ).
Since we are dealing, however, with a sailplane of which the performance depends on the quality of its surface, the purchase of a light, waterproof cover or better yet of an enclosed light-coloured trailer is a good investment. It is important to keep the closed trailer well ventilated in order to avoid high temperature and high atmospheric moisture.

Road transport and parking of the sailplane with water ballast is prohibited.

2.5. Upkeep and Maintenance
Moisture is an enemy of fibreglass. Always take great care that no water remains in any corner. The upper dive brake boxes are not vented for performance reasons. They have to be kept dry with the aid of a sponge.
On the suspicion that water has soaked into different components, one should store them in a dry room and turn them over daily. Do not underestimate the amount of condensation which can got inside an airplane. Therefore, hangars and trailers should always be well ventilated ( remove the instrument before a longer storage period ).

If the glider is equipped with water tanks, special attention must be given to their maintenance. If the tanks are not needed for a longer period, they should be checked for leaks every time in use.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

If water is found in the wing structure, the wing must be dried in the before-mentioned manner. Afterwards the tanks ( which have to be also dry ) can be reinstalled. To do this one is using the line in the wing nose which leads to a 30 mm ⌀ hole in the wing tip.
With this line the water bag is placed tautly into the wing nose. The line is wound up and safetied so that it cannot interfere with any mechanism. The ventilation pipe should be placed on top of the water bag.

With some training it takes only half an hour to remove, inspect and reinstall the tanks. The time spent stands in no relation to the damages which the water can cause in the structure if it remains there over a longer period.

Excessive sun radiation is harmful for the finish therefore, the sailplane should never be exposed to sunlight any longer than necessary.

The maintenance of the finish with a good cleaning and polishing compound ( silicon-free, if possible ) prolongs the life of the lacquer and improves the surface, an important factor for good performance. The advantages of a fibreglass aircraft can only be fully utilised if the surfaces are smooth and free from imperfections, especially in the area of the wing and control leading edges as well as at the fuselage nose.

The essential is not to have a light lustre but to remove all irregularities, such as dust particles, mud splashes, insects etc.;
Experiences of competition pilots show that roughness caused by insects can reduce the slow speed performance by some 15 % and high speed performance up to 30 %.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Cleaning of the Plexiglas Canopy
The Plexiglas canopy is best cleaned with a recommended Plexiglas cleaner, in an emergency soap and water will do. Use a soft cloth.

After landings on wet, muddy ground or in dusty fields the landing gear must be cleaned. For this purpose one removes the seat pan in order to get good access with a vacuum cleaner and to facilitate a thorough cleaning job.

The tyre pressure should be between 2,5 to 2,7 Bar ( 35 to 38 psi ) for 790 lbs. all up weight. At maximum all up weight ( when water ballast in used ) 3,2 to 3,4 Bar ( 45.5 to 48 psi ).
If the tyre pressure is too low, the tyre deforms to such a degree during landings that the landing gear doors will be destroyed. *

The skidplate has to be removed in time or should be protected against excessive wear by welding several stellite beads on to it.

The rubber tailskid has been designed such that it will shear off under strong sideloads. It can be glued on again or repaired with contact cement. It is important to cover the gap from rubber skid to fuselage in order to prevent any peeling and catching of long grass.

The towing hooks are especially exposed to soil and dirt and require frequent cleaning and oiling. For this purpose remove the fibreglass seat pan.

Lubrication of the Bearings
Most ball bearings are, so far as possible, covered and, therefore, will normally require no special care for a longer period of time.

* If a tailwheel of size 210 x 65 is installed, its tire pressuremust be 2,3 to 2,5 bar (33 to 35,5 psi).

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

The control hinge bearings must be dismantled and re-lubricated at the annual inspection.

The Pitot and Static Pressure Ports
must be sealed off by taping for the transport on an open trailer provided that the instrument manufacturers allow this.

The Safety Harness
must be regularly checked for tears and corrosion spots.
If the safety harness installed is the asymmetric Autoflug type (Boberg), it must be checked that the short lap belt is installed on the right cockpit wall (in flight direction).

2.6. Overhaul
The tow coupling must be removed after every 2000 launches or every 3 years at the latest and has to be sent to the manufacturer for reconditioning.

For the Tost combi-release some facilities are valid ( see accompanying paper in the log-book ).

The rudder cables are to be renewed as soon as any wear spots are noticed.

2.7. Repairs
Smaller repairs on fibreglass components can be effected by the owner in accordance with the guidelines as set forth in the Repair Manual for the ASW 12, ASW 15, ASW 17, and the ASW 19

All major repairs and overhauls have to be effected by the manufacturer. In case of doubt information and advise can be obtained from the Schleicher Company.

2.8. Notes for the Inspection
The inspection of control deflections and C. of G. weighing is done in the 15 m span version.
The dive brake boxes have no water drain.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

After rain showers the boxes must, therefore, be dried with a sponge etc.
It is very important to check the proper locking of the dive brakes from time to time. Every brake has its own dead point locking in the wing. There fore, it has to be checked whether the left and right dive brake do reliably and simultaneously lock.
For this purpose connect first one airbrake to the ball fitting in the fuselage and mark the dead point ( locking point ) on the dive brake lever nylon bearing in the cockpit. Do the same with the other airbrake.
Both dead points should be apart from each other no more than 5 mm ( 0.2 inch ). Otherwise the mechanism must be adjusted ( screws in the pipes behind the baggage compartment ). Moreover there should be a surplus forward range of the dive brake lever of about 5 mm ( 0.2 inch ).
The wing root-fuselage junction must be checked at least on the annual inspection for play or looseness between the fuselage pins and the wing root holes. Play in this junction results in a clac-clac noise when the rudder is deflected and can lead to awkward tailplane oscillations at high speeds.
The play is removed by putting thin metal washers under one or several pins. The pins are pushed out of the fitting tube by feeding a steel rod through the hole of the opposite pin and blowing the pin out with a hammer.
The pin should be replaced after the installation of the washer with but some blows of a 1 lb. hammer.
If the fitting is too wide, the pin can either be safetied by 4 mm Ø ( 1,6 inch ) bolts and nuts or by treating the wide end of the pin slightly with a knurling tool in a lathe as it is used for making rough handles on metal rods.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

For major repairs of the control surfaces there is slight danger that they become heavier and that the C. of G. of the control surface moves back.

This can lead to flutter. It is, therefore, recommended to make a light weight repair.

A table that shows all tolerable weights, static tailheavy moments, and play ( backlash ) of the control surfaces is given on page 50 in the annex. If these data are exceeded the manufacturer must be consulted.

After repairs of control surfaces or after their painting with anti-collision color, competition number, or advertising etc., determinations of the static balance are absolutely necessary. For this purpose see the drawing on page 49 in the annex.

After painting jobs a very thoroughful check must be done to make sure no ventilation holes have been covered with filler or paint. In case of doubt new holes must be drilled at locations where concentration of water, icing, and dirt are not likely to appear.

The strong springs in front of the pedal ( 5 kg, 11 lbs. tension unexpanded; c = 1.5 kg/cm=8.4 lbs. per inch ) must not be exchanged against weaker ones, since they are required for sufficient high rudder circuit frequency in order to prevent flutter.

Weak springs must be replaced by new ones.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Inspection Program to Extend Service Life

1. General

Fatique tests on CFRP wings and CFRP wing spars have shown thta a service life expectancy of 12000 hours can be reached for these components without problems. However, as this fatigue test program did not examine the entire aircraft made of CFRP and GRP, this service life of 12000 hours can be granted only if the long-term airworthiness of each individual aircraft is demonstrated in a special multi-stage inspection program (over and above mandatory annaul C of A inspections) for the purpose of extending the service life.

2. Time Limits

When the aircraft has reached a service life of 3000, 6000, and 9000 hours respectively, an inspection must be carried out in accordance with the particular inspection program laid down by Messrs. Schleicher, from whom a copy of this program must be obtained. If the results of this inspection are positive in each case, or if any defects discovered have been correctly repaired, the service life of the aircraft is extended after its 9000 hour inspection by another 3000 hours, i.e. to a total of 12000 hours.

For a possible extention of service life beyond 12000 hours, detailed requirements will be established in due course.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Inspection Program
The appropriate inspection program must be obtained from Messrs.SchIeicher. The inspections may be carried out only by the, manufacturer, or by an appropriately licensed aircraft repairer.
The results of the inspections must be listed in an inspection report in which each item must be annotated with a comprehensive comment, as laid down.
If the inspection is not carried out by the manufacturer, but by a licensed aircraft repairer, a copy of the filled in inspection report must be forwarded to Messrs. SCHLEICHER for the purpose of evaluation.
Messrs. SCHLEICHER will issue an acknowledgement of receipt and send it back to the aircraft owner. Only then the inspector must certify the increase of the service life in the logbook and in the aircraft inspection records.

The need for annual Certificate of Airworthiness inspections and overhauls is not affected by this rule (for German registered aircraft ¶ 27 (1) LuftGerPO* applies).
*LuftGerPO = Aircraft Examination Rules

Checking and securing the L'HOTELLIER quick-release connectors in the control linkages

1. Securing
Past experience showed that the quick-release connectors in the control linkages, particularly the one at the elevator, were incorrectly assembled or their assembly was even completely forgotten. A sticker fixed to the fin serves to remind the pilot of the correct assembly. In addition all quick-release connectors must be secured by means of safety pins, spring clips etc.. With the older type of connectors their check hole must be drilled to approx. 1.2 mm dia. for this purpose. The aileron, flap and airbrake connectors in the fuselage must be secured analogously.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

* Spring pin no.50030771 can be ordered from Alexander Schleicher or from A.Wfirth, P.0.Box 1261, 7118 Kflnzelsau, F.R.Germany.

2. Inspection
According to experience accumulated in Australia the following inspection of the L'Hotellier connections must be carried out at every annual inspection, especially when the glider is operated frequently from sandy and dusty airfields.

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A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

The tight seat of the ball ends inside the fittings must be checked, as loose ball ends may be broken due to bending loads in the thread area.

Inspection, maintenance and adjustment of the tow hook

During operation the following incident has been noticed on several occasions:
On winch and aero-tow the tow hook releases under severe load - usually during a jerky start to the tow. There may be various causes for this; two of them have been found out.

  1. Tow hook does not lock correctly.
  2. Tow hook installation not correct for modified ring pair.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual


  1. Clean the tow hook from top to bottom, using compressed air if necessary. Remove the seat pan and the cockpit rear wall for this.
  2. The operating cable is too short. Check that the plastic tube on the ball-grip does not strike the guide on the instrument panel. If necessary, shorten this tube ! Check also whether the cable is too short between the bellcrank on the pedal and the tow hook, or whether friction is too high. If necessary. the cable should be oiled or even replaced. When the tow hook is locked closed, then the upper bellcrank must not strike the pedal stand. If this should occur, or the crank has less than 5 mm (0,2 in) clearance to the pedal stand, then the bowden cable between the forward fuselage bulkhead and the forward tow hook bulkhead should be shortened, which then involves adjusting the brass cable ends. Check whether the bowden cable mentioned above is long enough to avoid the seatpan and the pilot seated in it pressing down on the cable and putting it under tension.
  3. The automatic ring of the tow hook is stiff to move,and hence the tow hook cannot lock. If cleaning does not improve this, then the tow hook must be removed, replaced and overhauled.
  4. The latching action of the tow hook itself is setup too critically. Consult the tow hook manufacturer.


  1. The modification to the double ring pair (large ring oval) makes it possible for the second ring (which is now larger) to touch the structure surrounding the tow hook and, if the cable is twisted, it can then cause the automatic mechanism to unlatch.
A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual
    The solution here is to relieve the structure which surrounds the tow hook (this material is a mudguard only). The seam which supports the landing gear doors, can also be shortened to about 5 mm (0,2 in) in front of the tow hook.
  1. After a belly landing and/or if water has been allowed to stand in the cockpit for a long period, the glued joint between the rear tow hook bulkhead and the fuselage shell may fail. This weakens the tow hook installation to the point where the tow hook may twist under a severe load (such as occurs during cable snatches); this movement may be enough to cause a stiff and/or too critically adjusted tow hook cable to open the latch of the tow hook.
    In this case the glued joint between tow hook and bulkhead must be repaired; clean up the gluing surface and fill the slot (e.g. made with a piercing saw blade) with a filler paste consisting of:
    100 parts by weight
    33 parts by weight
    10-15 parts by weight
     Epikote 162
     Epikure 113
    Filler powders other than Aerosil must not be used, as they produce a weaker joint (microballoons) or swell when damp (cotton flock). If necessary, reinforce the repaired areas with an additional layer of glass cloth.
    A successful reinforcement to the forward tow hook bulkhead of the C.G. tow hook has proved to be two wedge-shaped plywood blocks (see sketch on page 44h). Two layers of glass cloth 92140 are laid over the joint surfaces of the blocks, with random fiber orientation, and resined together.

    Do not forget to preserve the water drainage holes !

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4.Further notes for the annual inspection and for special inspections following belly, wingtip or cornfield landings

After belly landings the seat pan inside the cockpit must be taken out in any case, to detect and repair possible damage in this area.
For most repair cases it is not sufficient to replace abrased paint and FRP; but it is rather necessary to inspect and repair very carefully the supporting internal structure. Delaminated FRP looks white and/or the grey gelcoat layer shows cracks. Special attention must be paid to the plywood bulkheads to which the control stick and the tow hooks are connected. These bulkheads are intendedly made from plywood, as they have proved to provide remarkable crashworthiness in severe crashes, the plywood breaking in a good, predictable manner and preventing effectively the control stick and the tow hook from hurting the pilot so that they slip off below the seat pan.
With minor incidents like belly landings on not so smooth grounds, the bulkheads may be damaged and, therefore, must be inspected and if necessary repaired. Especially the glued joint with the FRP has to be checked.

To save the above mentioned advantages in crashworthiness, the bulkheads should not be reinforced by FRP, specially not in the area where the stick is attached. On the other hand, good preservation of the wooden parts is necessary so that they cannot be weakened by rottening.

After wingtip landings and ground loops all control circuits have to be checked very carefully; especially if it can be assumed that the control surfaces, also the elevator, may have been exposed to great loads following contact with ground, grass, crops or bushes, and that, therefore, the control circuits may have been damaged.

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One case of severe elevator flutter with an ASW 19 (which is very similar in design to the ASW 20) for instance could be explained by the fact that a buckled control rod had remained undetected. This caused a considerable reduction of the elevator control circuit stiffness which enabled the elevatorflutter. It can be assumed that partially unglued or delaminated bulkheads and ribs, enlarged pushrod guides, loose and/or distorted fittings lead to the same effect.

Damage to the control circuits have also been detected following hangar rush and road transport so that after unusual events a thoroughful inspection is always necessary.

With landings in high crops or grass, there is the risk - especially when the landing position of the flaps was set - to overload and damage the flap control circuit. Most likely the flap pushrod inside the wing is buckled. Though this pushrod is not visible, it is easy to be checked. In flap position 3 (0°) and with the stick in the center position, the trailing edge of the flap is no longer in line with the fixed part of the root rib and the trailing edge of the aileron; also the flap actuating control is jamming when operated.

5. Inspection and testing of the emergency canopy jettisoning mechanism

During the annual inspection the emergency canopy jettisoning mechanism has to be actuated and checked for grooves and/or corrosion. If defects are found, the metal surfaces have to be smoothed using a file, sandpaper, etc.; grease well before reassembly.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

6. Reference to available Maintenance and Repair Instructions

During operational life of a glider model the manufacturer receives varieus inquiries regarding damage, defects er special equipments. For these cases Maintenance and Repair Instructions are established, if reiterated occurence of such reason may be assumed.

Unlike the Technical Mates, the Maintenance and Repair Instructions are issued in alphabetical order. The following are available until today:

Maintenance Instruction A:
"Maintenance and improvement of the wheel brake."

Maintenance Instruction B:
"Aerodynamic improvement by sealing of the control surface gaps with strips of foam tape."

Maintenance Instruction C:
"Adjusting the airbrakes."

Maintenance Instruction D:
"Elimination of excessive control surface play and/or high-frequency vibration in the aileron centrol system caused by this."

Maintenance Instruction E:
"Improvement of cockpit comfort by referring to available different backrests and their positions, as well as to pedal rake angle adjustment, modified landing gear levers and different safety harness systems."

Maintenance Instruction F:
"Exchange of a wing pair." (This Maintenance Instruction applies to non-European gliders only)

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Maintenance Instruction G:
Installation of turn point camera(s).

Maintenance Instruction H:
How to adjust the tow release coupling in case of unintentional release. This Maintenance Instruction has already been included with this manual amendment.

Maintenance Instruction I:
Adjusting control surfaces if the glider has a tendency to turn off from level flight.

Maintenance Instruction J Issue III dated 24.04.87:
describes how to apply an elastic lip seal (plastic fairing strips) to the control surface gaps on the wing upper and under sides.

Repair Instruction K dated 18.05.84:
Assembly instructions for the elevator actuator bearing fitting.

Maintenance Instruction L dated 26.01.90:
Exchange of the fourth elevator push rod in the fuselage.

The general "Maintenance Instruction ALL FRP GLIDER MODELS", dated June 19, 1986 describes the removing of play between the sockets (= bushings). and bolts (= pins) of the wing-to-fuselage transition.

The general "Maintenance Instruction PAINT CRACKS" dated June 26, 1989, describes how to inspect, preserve, and repairthe paint surface.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

7. Preventive actions against flutter caused by special conditions of operation

Under operational conditions as detailed on page 18a of the Flight Manual, the installation of a hydraulic damper into the aileron control circuit is strongly recommended. In countries with desert climate where above mentioned conditiOns may occur several times a year, Schleicher recommends the general installation of this damper.

In the sketches on pages 44h thru 44r the installation of the damper is shown. For proper connection to the aileron control circuit a longer bolt M 6 must be used. For every installation use new self-securing nuts n M6 DIN 930/6 or N M8 DIN 980/6. The plywood ground plate is permanently glued into the wingroot rib (fuselage-side) and well preserved. The cutouts for the pushrods are not prefabricated, as they must be fitted individually for each glider.

After the installation of the damper it is most im portant to check the aileron control system for free movement in a special test.

Kits for the installation of the damper are available from Schleicher directly or from their foreign agents.

The installation of the damper raises the fuselage weight by about 0,7 kg (1,54 lbs); the influence on the C.G. position is negligible.

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1 Sicherungsmutter NM 6 19 DIN 980-6
2 Scheibe 6,4 18 Din 123 - St
1 Antrieb f.QR i. Rumpf 17 200.41.0009
1 Sechskantschraube M6x90x70 16 DIN 931-8.8
1 Distanzbuchse 15 200.41.0021
1 Gelenkkopf GIR 8 GW 14 Fa. Elges
1 Rohrniet B6x1x32 13 DIN7340-ST
2 Rohrniet 17 12 DIN7340-ST
Speiß 11
1 Scheibe 8,4 10 DIN125-St
1 Scheibe, konisch 9 GFK ⌀8,4/20-4
1 Verstärkung 8 Sph. 6.1013.0 5x115x90 200.41.0101
2 Sicherungsmutter NM8 7 D DIN 980-6
3 Scheibe B 8,4 6 DIN 9021-St
3 Sicherungsmutter M8 5 DIN 936-6
2 Gelenkkopf S M X CP 6.48.34 4 Fa. Hirschmann
2 Lasche 3 200.41.0019
1 Distanzbuchse 2 200.41.0020
1 Dämpfer, ölhydraulisch 1 01-20-070-200 Fa. Stabilus
St. Benamung Lfd.
Werkstoff Teil- oder Din-Nr. Bemerkung
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Amendments to:
Page 42, para 2.6 "Overhaul" and
Page 44 i, para 4. "Notes for the annual C. of A. Inspection"

Annual check must be done on rudder cables, S-shape cable guide tubes, towing hook release cable, and on all Bowden cables.
Particular attention must be paid to those areas of the control cables which with the normal pedal adjustments are bent at the ends of the S- shape cable guide tubes, and at the visible towing hook release cable ends.
Watch particularly for hand sweat and corrosion inside the Bowden cable sleeve (regard the FAA Advisory Circular AC 43-13.1A ¶ 198, see LBA-Circular No. 10-02/89-1 dated 21.08.89!).

Check the rudder cables inside the area of the steeltube 'S' by moving the pedals back into the rearmost position and then undoing the cable at their front mounting.

Rudder control cables and towing hook release cable must be replaced after each 3000 operating hours respectively!

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Tolerances in Weight and Tailheavy Static Balance of Control Surfaces and tolerance in Play ( Backlash ) of Control Circuits ( Stick, Pedals or Flap Lever fixed ).

Weight Tolarance
Tolerances for tailh
Stat.bal.[inch lb]
tolarable play
[back lash] inch
 Rudder   6,1-7,8   7,45-9,53   0,8°   0,18
 Elevator   4,6-5,9   5,72-7,28   1,15°   0,12
inner Ailerons   4,8-5,7   2,43-3,03   1,25°   0,07
outer Ailerons   0,5-0,6   2,43-3,03  1,25°   0,07
 Flaps   11,1-14,3   10,65-13,60   1,1°   0,11
A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual


Weight Tolarance
Tolerances for tailh
Stat.bal.[cm kp]
tolarable play
[back lash] mm
 Rudder   2,8-3,6   8,6-11,0   0,8°   4,5
 Elevator   2,1-3,6   6,6-8,4   1,15°   3,0
inner Ailerons   2,2-2,6   2,8-3,5   1,25°   1,75
outer Ailerons   0,23-0,29   0,54-0,66  1,25°   1,75
 Flaps   5,1-6,5   12,3-15,7   1,1°   2,75
A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

Minimum Equipment

  1. Airspeed Indicator
    1. Winter 6 FM 5.
        order/N 651124 (km/h), 651224 (mph), 651324 (knots)
    2. PZL PR-350
    3. Winter 6 FMS 4 - 2
  2. Altimeter
    1. Winter 4 HM 6
    2. Winter 4 FGH 10
    3. PZL W-12 S
  3. Four-part Safety Harness
    1. Autoflug AFG 013305 consisting of :
      shoulder straps Schugu FAG - 7B – 1
      lap belt Bagu FAG - 7E – 1
      For left shoulder strap use the attachment point next to the fitting of parachute static line.
    2. Autoflug AFG 016816 consiting of :
      1 Bagu FAG 7 - B1
      1 Schugu FAG 7 - B1
    3. Gadringer:
      Schugu II B ( 45 cm long )
      Bagu IV D

Additional Minimum Equipment for Cloud Flying

  1. Turn and Bank Indicator
    1. Apparatebau Gauting WZ - 402/31
  2. Compass
    1. Ludolph FK 5
    2. Ludolph FK 16
    3. PZL BS - 1
    4. PZL B 13/KJ
A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual
  1. VHF - Transceiver ( COM )
    1. Dittel FSG 15/25
    2. Dittel FSG 16/25
    3. Dittel FSG 40 S
    4. Becker AR 7/25
    5. Becker AR 2008 / 25
    6. Becker AR 2009 / 25
    7. For Federal Republic of Germany 25 kHz channel distance mandatory since 1 Apr. 1979.

A S W 2 0 L - Flight Manual

3.8 Check List

Pre-flight Check

  1. Control connections, main-pins and bolts safetied ?
  2. Control check forcewise and for full deflections ?
  3. Parachute static line connected ?
  4. Gaps for control surfaces in flight direction 1,5 mm or wider ?
Prior to Start
  1. Parachute connected to harness ?
  2. Safety harness fastened ?
  3. Landing gear doors locked
  4. Airbrakes locked ?
  5. Trim lever adjusted to a middle position ?
  6. Flap control lever in starting position ?
  7. Altimeter adjusted ?
  8. What is the wind direction now ?
  9. Close your canopy now and move white levers back!
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